
Tower House Guest House


Situated in the historic market town of Pontefract on the A645 A1-M62 Interchange-Ferrybridge Services Junction 33 M62 Ferrybridge Services-Follow signs A162 Pontefract Branch Left (signposted Pontefract) and at T Junction turn right onto A645. Follow the road for approx 1 mile and Tower House can be found on the right hand side of Bondgate. 50yds from Cott Uk. & Tangerine Confectionery.

Directions from Pontefract Bus Station

From the bus station head towards Northgate, then onto North Baileygate, and then Bondgate. Tower House can be found on the left after the petrol filling station, and the junction of Box Lane.

Directions from Baghill Station:

Head towards Southgate and turn right towards South Baileygate, continue on to Bondgate and Tower House can be found on the left after the petrol filling station, and the junction of Box Lane.

Parking at Tower House.

Upon arrival at Tower House the car park can be found at the rear of the property, drive into Bond Street and turn immediately left into the drive and the car park. The reception is signposted from the car park.


Our Vision

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